The series of 3Zet workshops is behind us

przesadzanie roślin doniczkowych

Behind us is a series of 3Zet workshops organized by the Municipal Ecological Center in Żywiec, during which 10 meetings were held, attended by a total of 239 participants. Each activity organized by our Center is very popular, and this time was no different. The activities appealed to both preschoolers and schoolchildren.
At each of the workshops, a different potted plant was the hero. All groups first got acquainted with a given species, and then, in the workshop part, they repotted seedlings on their own under the watchful eye of the meeting leaders: Monika Prochot-Malczewska, Zofia Augustynowicz-Oziębło, Sławomir Malczewski and students of the Technical School of Landscape Architecture of the Building and Wood School Complex in Żywiec.
At the end, all transplanted plants went to the homes of the participants. So, nearly 250 plants, including lavender, sanseviera, ivy, spiderworts, or rhoeo spathacea have found new homes, where we hope they will grow beautifully with proper care.

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